Archive for Forgotten storms

March 11-12, 1999 snowfall

Posted in Forgotten storms, snowstorms, winter 1998/1999 with tags , , , , , on February 12, 2009 by ackman1

It had been a very horrible winter for the far away island of Nantucket. Not much snow had fallen, save for a few storms here and there, you know: nickel and dime events. The storm in question was a small low pressure system that scooted off to our south. Most coastal regions of southern New England were affected by this low pressure system, including Cape Cod and the Islands.

The 11th of March, 1999 dawned overcast on Nantucket, but that was typical for the winter. As the day progressed, the clouds thickened, and it looked like there was going to be some snow. Around this time, the snow was still off to the west, about to enter Providence. During the late evening hours, the snow began to fall.

It came down heavy at times. At midnight, the snow became increasingly heavy, almost to near white out conditions. The snow also fell all day on friday. At times, it looked as though the snow would leave heavier accumulation on the island. The snow mixed and changed to rain in the evening on the 12th, but the rain did not last long. It switched back to snow after dark.

This storm paved the way for the more intense 13-15 snowstorm. Most islanders don’t even remember this storm. Kids of all ages appreciated the snow and used it to their advantage for sledding, however the snow was not of a good quality for building.

The low south of New England

The low south of New England



Accumulation: 3″ Forecast: 1″- Positive bust

Winds: 30 mph Unofficial: 35 mph

Damage: if any, it was slight.